Friday, September 4, 2009


You may be saying 'Big Whoop-de-do.....a Canna - everyone has seen a Canna." True dat.

But my husband decided he was going to become Mr. Green Thumb and take over the horticulture portion of our lives. To date he has planted, pruned, cultivated, watered, Miracle-growed (I'm well aware that's not a real with me here) and finally, dug up and thrown away 7 rose bushes. "They don't want to bloom here - FINE (he said in his Tony Soprano voice)....then they're outta here. Capiche?" And he axed them and tossed them with no remorse. I took note of that - and I now make sure he has plenty of mixed nuts and other man food when it's Ohio State Game Day....and I never turn my back to him....and I sleep with one eye open but that's all beside the point, I guess.

Two years went by and I feared the death penalty sentence would be handed down any day. But just the nick of time... a stay of execution was handed down from above!! At last - he was a gardner and this beautiful canna was proof!!


  1. Corn hole is where you throw those bean bags into wooden targets with the hole in it. I think it's called other things in different places.

    Google it for a pic...because I am not explaining it very well :)

  2. What a great little story. Congrats on the Canna! It looks beautiful, I am so glad to hear it made it.

  3. i've never seen a canna. =p

  4. I've never seen a canna either. so i do thinking its a big whoop de doo :)

  5. Thanks for coming by our blog! I really appreciate it, and PLEASE stop by more often.

    p.s. I LOVE having brownies and milk for breakfast. It's the best thing ever :)

  6. Congrats on the Canna...beautiful!

  7. hey, award for you over at my place! =]

  8. beautiful!!!! I wonder if I could grow one next year..... :)


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