Monday, June 15, 2009

We're gonna party's my birthday!

I don't understand certain people. You know the kind...."Oh, my birthday is no big deal. And please...NO PRESENTS. I just love being with my friends and family." BLAH BLAH BLAH.

If you are that person.....STOP IT!! It makes the rest of us look bad!

My birthday is in 25 days. July 10th to be exact. You have been forewarned! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my birthday. Could it be that my mom made me 'queen for a day' when I was a little girl? That she made me a Barbie cake....and I'm not talking about a flat cake that had little plastic mini Barbies on top or those disgusting peel-off sugar, I'm talking about a 3-D cake that looked like princess Barbie was sitting in her regal gown right on my birthday table! And each year it was equally as spectacular. Birthdays are the bestest thing in the world...EVER!

So here's the deal. My hubby and I are planning a trip out west to visit family for the July 4th weekend. Of course you don't take a 3 hour plane ride and just stay for the weekend so we'll be there the entire week. Suddenly, while we were lying in bed, lights out, good night "kisses" given (keeping it PG, ya know), it occurred to him that we would be there on my birthday! Bless his heart.

Last year was one of those "big birthday years" for me so he went all out with the cooperation....aka lying and scheming, of other family members and threw me a true surprise party. It's hard to surprise someone who expects everyone to remember their birthday but they pulled it off....big time. And it was fun and fabulous!!

The pressure is on and he knows it. I'd like to be that person that I mentioned in the beginning and just let him off the hook....but I'm not, so I can't. I've got integrity you know!


  1. My birthday was this past weekend! I too am a BIG birthday person. This one was pretty low key because I had to work a local women's retreat, but my family still made it special!

  2. I thought I loooooved my bday....looks like I've met my match! Happy 25 days till your special day!

  3. Finally-someone who is honest about birthdays! I LOVE my birthday, and I want to celebrate in style! Thanks to FB, I'll remember your big day!

  4. I can't wait until July 1st, b/c it's officially B-Day month! Yeah for July B-Days!


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